Map Algebra and Static Modelling with PCRaster

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. What is PCRaster?
3. PCRaster: modelling
4. PCRaster: GIS
5. Entities and syntax of functions
6. Entities used in models
7. Entities: map (1)
8. Entities: map (2)
9. Entities: map (3)
10. Entities: map (3)
11. Operators and functions
12. Syntax of operators
13. Syntax of functions
14. Command line mode
15. Spatial static modelling
16. Spatial static model: theory
17. Spatial static model: representation in PCRaster (1)
18. Spatial static model: representation in PCRaster (2)
19. Point functions and operators
20. Groups of spatial functions and operators
21. Group of point functions
22. Point functions: arithmic, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic operators
23. Point functions: comparison functions
24. Point functions: conditional statements
25. Point functions: Boolean operators
26. Direct neighbourhood functions
27. Direct neighbourhood functions
28. Direct neighbourhood functions: window functions (filters)
29. Direct neighbourhood functions: derivatives of elevation
30. Functions with a neighbourhood defined by topology
31. Functions with a neighbourhood defined by topology
32. Catchment analysis
33. Functions for transport of material: cell as open system
34. Functions for transport of material: cell as open system
35. Entire neighbourhood functions
36. Entire neighbourhood functions
37. Functions calculating descriptive statistics
38. Functions calculating descriptive statistics
39. Example: geomorphological mapping with the DEM
40. Terraces
41. Tithonique.., rivers..
42. Spatial dynamic modelling
43. Theory
44. Representation in PCRaster
45. Spatial dynamic modelling: example
46. Spatial dynamic modelling: stream power