Default, variables are not written to hard disk
Starting a statement with report writes the result to hard disk
in the dynamic section: a map is written for each timestep, resulting in a stack of maps
without using the binding
with using the binding
Use short variable names (less than 8 positions)!
binding RainStack=rainfall; # input stack of maps, rainfall (mm/2 hours) areamap; timer 1 28 1; initial dynamic # import map with amount of rain for at each timestep (mm/2 hours) Rain=timeinput(RainStack); # effective rain (mm/2 hours) report RainEff=Rain*0.8;
writes the files:
RainEff0.001 RainEff0.005 RainEff0.009 RainEff0.013 RainEff0.017 RainEff0.021 RainEff0.025 RainEff0.002 RainEff0.006 RainEff0.010 RainEff0.014 RainEff0.018 RainEff0.022 RainEff0.026 RainEff0.003 RainEff0.007 RainEff0.011 RainEff0.015 RainEff0.019 RainEff0.023 RainEff0.027 RainEff0.004 RainEff0.008 RainEff0.012 RainEff0.016 RainEff0.020 RainEff0.024 RainEff0.028