Is run for each timestep
Is a sequence of pcrcalc statements
This sequence is executed from top to bottom, for each timestep
At first timestep, result of the initial section can be input values
For the remaining timesteps, result of previous timestep can be input value
binding; # input map, completely filled with value 10; # output map areamap; timer 1 10 1; initial MapB=5*MapA; # MapB becomes 50 report MapC=MapB/10; # MapC becomes 5 dynamic MapB=MapB+MapC; MapD=MapB+1;
Values of maps for each timestep, at end of dynamic section
timestep MapA MapB MapC MapD 1 10 55 5 56 2 10 60 5 61 3 10 65 5 66 4 10 70 5 71 5 10 75 5 76 6 10 80 5 81 7 10 85 5 86 8 10 90 5 91 9 10 95 5 96 10 10 100 5 101