Tests and marking (subject to change)

Examinations ('tentamens')

Subject matter subject to change

Test 1

Subject matter ('tentamenstof'):

  • Karssenberg D, 2009, Environmental Modelling, reader, chapter 1 and 2. Learn these two chapters, but you do not need to learn the content of the papers indicated with a ** in the content section. Study these papers in detail, two times. You do not need to memorize ('uit het hoofd leren) these papers.

  • Related overhead sheets of the lectures on Theory 1 and Building (first 4 lectures)

  • Karssenberg D, van Deursen WPA, Wesseling CG, van der Meer M, de Jong K, Burrough PA, 2000, An introduction to dynamic modelling. PCRaster distance learning course material.

Duration: 2 hours

The test is 'gesloten boek'. You get a mark between 1 and 10.

Test 2

Subject matter ('tentamenstof'):

  • Karssenberg D, 2009, Environmental Modelling, reader, chapter 3. Learn this, but you do not need to learn the content of the papers indicated with a ** in the content section. Study these papers in detail, two times. You do not need to memorize ('uit het hoofd leren) these papers.

  • Related overhead sheets of the lectures on Pyhon and Theory 2

  • Karssenberg D, de Jong K, 2003, Computer practicals Python for environmental modellers. Distance learning course material.

  • Think Python, An introduction to software design, A. Downey, 2008. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 14.

Duration: 2 hours

The test is 'gesloten boek'. You get a mark between 1 and 10.

Computer practicals

Computer practicals Dynamic Modelling with PCRaster

On-line submission (WebCT) of answers to questions, one set of answers (one login) per couple

Marking: 'voldaan', 'niet voldaan'

Computer practicals Python

On-line submission (WebCT) of answers to questions, one set of answers (one login) per couple

Marking: 'voldaan', 'niet voldaan'

Case study: written report

Written report, handed in as hard-copy (paper, digitial versions are not accepted)

Marking: mark between 1 and 10

Items used for marking:

Research done

Aim of the research ('doelstelling')

Approach, work done

Discussion of results

Integration of literature and research


Presentation of the research

Use of tables, figures


Length of report


Structure of report as a whole

Structure per (sub-)section


Calculation of final mark, additional assiments

For passing this course, you need to:

The overall mark is calculated as:

M = 0.25A+0.25B+0.5C (equation 1)

with: M, the overall mark; A, the mark for 'Toets 1' (not rounded to whole values); B, the mark for 'Toets 2' (not rounded to whole values); C, the mark for the written report on the case study.

If you have an overall mark of 4 or 5 while fulfilling all other requirements for passing the course, you can do an additional assignment ('aanvullende of vervangende toets'). Note that the time to study for this additional assignment is short, so do everything to avoid that you get an overall mark of 5. The content and form (oral exam, written exam, report) of the additional assignment will be determined by Derek Karssenberg (per student, the content and form depends on the marks for each of the sub-marks).

If you have (after the 'additional assignment') a final mark of 5 or lower, you need to do the course again next year.

If you cannot attend a lecture, computer practical or exam because you are ill or for other important reasons, please inform Derek Karssenberg before the lecture, computer practical or exam. Email: , telephone: 030 2532768.